Parts of You Exerpt 151

Do parts of you ever feel conflicted emotions that make you feel moody or out of sorts? Here’s a sample from the book, An Elf’s Journey… Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse, to calm that experience with a tenderly thoughtful plan.
*There were times when Elf’s parts demanded attention all at once,
and it overwhelmed her. When she reflected quietly, she realized that
she could not help all of her parts all of the time. Wanting them to know
that she would get to each of them when she could, first she gave them
gratitude for the important information they could provide. She then
asked her dear parts to please be patient with her and, subsequently,
felt calmness grow inside. They curled up with her and asked her to
call them “Elfie”. With a tear in her eye, she was moved to enter this
important letter in her own journal:
Letter to My Younger Elfie
My Dear, Dear Parts,
My desire is to remember
you and truly see the pure goodness
inside of you. I am sorry that you experienced
so much turmoil, shame, and pain in the
past. I want you to know the abuse is over
and not happening any more. My wish is to
acknowledge your suffering, tenderly comfort
your tension, and free you to enjoy a life of
awareness and pleasure. I respect all of your
feelings and invite you to release emotions
when you and I are ready.
I love you. I trust you. I forgive you. I care
deeply about you. Please let me know how I
can nourish you and assist your Self growth.
Between us there is nothing but love. I accept
and approve of you. I imagine you coming back
into wholeness.
I can now choose beings to support and
help me, when I need it. Grace fills my life and
creates a life I enjoy more and more. I take
time to care for you—my parts, by connecting
to my Wise Self. I choose to learn what is best
for me and nurture our growth.
Love Always,
*Exerpt from An Elf’s Journey , pages 151 & 152